Following ICCL led submission with Open Markets and the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, the U.S. FTC acts against RTB firm Mobilewalla
Once-in-a-generation moment to protect U.S. Privacy
The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is considering new privacy rules to protect Internet users against tracking. The ICCL/Open Markets/TACD submission reveals the impact of tracking-based online advertising to enable the FTC to act.
ICCL report on the scale of Real-Time Bidding data broadcasts in the U.S. and Europe
New report: the $127 billion “Real-Time Bidding” online ad industry tracks & shares what people view online, and their locations, 178 Trillion times a year in the U.S. & Europe.
Sustainability without surveillance
New report: Tracking-based online advertising imperils fundamental rights and publisher sustainability by diverting data and revenue from publishers.