Following ICCL led submission with Open Markets and the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, the U.S. FTC acts against RTB firm Mobilewalla
Australia’s hidden security crisis
How data about Australian defence personnel and political leaders flows to foreign states and non-state actors.
Europe’s hidden security crisis
How data about European defence personnel and political leaders flows to foreign states and non-state actors.
America’s hidden security crisis
How data about American defence personnel and political leaders flows to foreign states and non-state actors.
Once-in-a-generation moment to protect U.S. Privacy
The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is considering new privacy rules to protect Internet users against tracking. The ICCL/Open Markets/TACD submission reveals the impact of tracking-based online advertising to enable the FTC to act.
ICCL report on the scale of Real-Time Bidding data broadcasts in the U.S. and Europe
New report: the $127 billion “Real-Time Bidding” online ad industry tracks & shares what people view online, and their locations, 178 Trillion times a year in the U.S. & Europe.